I asked my hub if he would like to pick clothes for me and he replied with a "what?" I asked again would he like to pick out my clothes for me. He replied, "I can barely pick out clothes for myself that look good! I wouldn't want to have to be in charge of picking yours." Then he said, "Gee it sounds as if I'm not really in charge, but I don't know if I want to be in charge of that!" After some thinking he said he would like me to look attractive, sexy and professionals if we are going out. He likes jeans and a tight shirt for casual. He would like to come shopping with me and have veto power. Now isn't that a whole new can of worms I've opened up tonight! I hope he forgets and I don't really have to bring him shopping!

by forty something wife on 2005 Apr 10 - 06:18 | reply to this comment
I've never met a man who enjoys clothing shopping
I imagine he'd lose interest in that quickly enough, especially if he already likes the way you dress. Given a choice between clothing shopping with the wife, and a football game on the TV, I think most men would pick the latter. I personally hate clothing shopping with my boyfriend. He either finds everything I like to be too matronly, or too expensive. He never tells me I can't buy something, just makes me feel as though it would be silly to do so. It's hard enough for me to find clothes that I like without having him along to complicate things. At least when I shop alone I am confident that I will leave with something that I will feel good in later.

by cj on 2005 Apr 10 - 17:23 | reply to this comment
Given a choice
It'd be the shopping for me and not the football, which I guess shows that us guys are all different, just like you women are. I enjoy shopping for myself and with women, and I love stuff like Trinny and Susannah and makeover-type things. It's nothing to do with my having a "feminine side", I assure you - although the m-word is used a lot about me, the f-word never is. It's just that us guys are varied and different, like you women. The f-word I will admit to is "fetishist", I guess. I do have a fetishistic side which I think is part of my interest in this, and I think fetishes are to be explored and enjoyed.

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